In a flash, nearly every living human in Tokyo disappears as a menacing fog creeps in. As Akito, a lone survivor of this supernatural catastrophe, it’s up to you to team up with an unlikely ally: the spirit of a detective known only as “KK.” With the power to combat the otherworldly Visitors taking over the city, it’s up to just you two to save the world of the living in Ghostwire: Tokyo, coming soon to Xbox!
Available April 12 for Xbox Series X|S with Xbox Game Pass, and Windows 10/11 PC with PC Game Pass, Ghostwire: Tokyo will arrive with the free Spider’s Thread update, adding a multitude of enhancements to the single-player hit, including additional areas to explore, new story cutscenes, quality-of-life improvements, a bonus game mode and more!
Face The Unknown
As Tokyo is overrun by the hostile Visitors, it’s up to players to get to the bottom of the mysterious vanishing and stop Hannya, the elusive masked figure claiming responsibility for the incident. With a variety of skills and ability to hone their Ethereal Weaving, Akito & KK will have to work together and become a finely-tuned ghost hunter to save Tokyo from destruction.