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Wave 4 is almost here.

Wave 4 of the Fire Emblem Engage Expansion Pass lands on 4th April — or 5th April in Europe. And for Fire Emblem fans, this is likely the most exciting addition yet, as it brings in brand-new story content.

In an ominous trailer, which starts off with “your grave”, the Fell Xenologue will bring more story content to the base game, which is separate from the chapter structure, and will introduce brand new characters Ned and Nil. The pair say there are seven ‘Emblem Bracelets’, and four are missing — meaning there may well be some characters coming back to the fray.

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Best deals, cheapest prices + discounts!

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are being treated to an all-new DLC expansion in 2023, The Hidden Treasure Of Area Zero. Buying the expansion grants you access to two chunks of additional content – The Teal Mask which will become available in fall 2023, and The Indigo Disk which arrives later in winter 2023.

The more savvy amongst you might be wondering how you can save money on this new Pokémon DLC, and we’re here to provide you with the best deals and cheapest prices. So before you go running to buy the DLC directly from Nintendo’s eShop at full price, make sure to browse through these cheaper options below.

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Wake up, one last time.

Citizen Sleeper, a tabletop-inspired RPG, completely blew us away last year with its incredible writing, haunting music, and stunning art design. And on 30th March, the story will conclude with its last piece of free DLC with Episode: PURGE.

Following on from the two previous free DLCs — FLUX and REFUGE — PURGE introduces another new character and some additional story to Erlin’s Eye, and will conclude the story of the Sleeper and expand further on the wider narrative of the Helion System, where the game is set. Not much else is known, but we’re sure it’ll be a moving, thought-provoking experience.

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