The Cilia, as spotted by WCCFtech is six pots of unknown oily substances that are 3D-printed holders. At pre-programmed times, the pots open and the fan releases the smell towards the player’s eager and flared nostrils. Unreal and Unity have plugins, as well as an SDK that may be supported by other engines.
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HAPTICSOL boasts that their scents are ‘unique’, which is quite alarming. We don’t want to be surrounded by unique scents. Instead, we want familiar smells. Perhaps the smell of cut grass when we walk through a village of videogames or the stench of brimstone as we face down demon princes. Unique smells, such as the delicate fish/elephant redolence from the dumbo octopus when sending tanks to rush an enemy lines or the salty reek of the cyclops’s armpit when reloading a sleek Laser weapon, might break down the immersion. We are concerned about the warning to not use the product in a warm room. However, we believe it is due to the oil-based medium’s ability of holding on to the scent. The special edition pairs MXTReality’s Adventure Climb VR with the odours from a waterfall, fresh water, rocky plants and Egyptian musk (from which Egyptian?), cappuccino, and fresh mint. These two scents suggest a cozy little cafe at the top of the mountain that you just climbed. You can buy refills for $5, which include a wide range of bouquets such as ‘car,’ ‘fantasy, and’stinky, or you can go to the store for $5. It’s not the first time that someone has integrated stink into videogame immersion. This is also not a reference to Gamescom. Although we haven’t seen any previous ventures, it is not something to be dismissed.